What are Postpartum Padsicles?
Padsicles are homemade ice packs that you use after a vaginal delivery. They are postpartum pads or sanitary napkins with healing properties that are then frozen to help your vagina recover and heal faster after the miracle of birth.
Miracle or not your vagina can use a little extra care after what you just accomplished. You may have vaginal bruising, you may have torn during childbirth and have some stitches or your vaginal area is swollen and inflamed.
After delivery, you are usually wearing extra-large pads, plus a perineal ice pack, plus spraying on a pain reliever. Padsicles are all 3 of those in one.
How to Make Padsicles
Making your very own padsicles are simple. Get some extra-large pads like the overnight ones, add the healing and soothing ingredients directly onto the pad, wrap back up, and store in the freezer until you are ready to use. Below is the step by step instructions for a few different types of padsicles.
DIY Frozen Postpartum Pads
1. Padsicles with Witch Hazel and Aloe Vera
STEP 1. Fill your spray bottle with the Witch Hazel Astringent.
Witch Hazel is a plant that is known for its medicinal properties. It is known to relieve inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties like gallic acid and tannins.
STEP 2. Unwrap the pad but leave it attached to the wrapper so that you can refold them. If there are wings, carefully fold them out to reveal the center of the pad.
STEP 3. Spray the entire length of the pad with the witch hazel. You want to apply it generously but don’t oversaturate it. Remember, it still needs to be able to absorb blood when you are using them.
If you don’t have a spray bottle you can just pour it on. Just be careful not to add too much.
STEP 4. Squeeze aloe vera along the length of the pad. You can do a little zigzag all the way down and that should be enough. You just want a thin layer of coverage over the whole pad, especially down the middle.
Make sure you are using 100% pure aloe vera. You want one that doesn’t have any added ingredients, fragrance, or dyes.
Aloe vera has been used for centuries for all the wonderful therapeutic properties. In ancient Egypt, they actually called Aloe vera ‘the plant of immortality’.
STEP 5. Spread the aloe vera out with a clean finger or the back of a spoon so that it becomes an even thin layer on the pad.
Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties, is a natural anesthetic, and has antioxidants. So when used on your padsicles it reduces inflammation, relieves pain, and speeds up healing.
STEP 6. Carefully fold pads back up in their wrapper and place them in a 1-gallon freezer bag to store in your freezer until you need them.
Can you use witch hazel with alcohol for padsicles?
Yes, the witch hazel with alcohol is fine to use for padsicles. It is actually the one I recommend using and what I used myself. I did not experience any stinging at all.
If you are worried about the alcohol stinging or just don’t want to use it there is witch hazel available that is alcohol-free.
In the alcohol-free witch hazel, however, the witch hazel extract which is what provides the antiseptic and soothing properties is no longer the first ingredient. So it may not be as beneficial as the alcohol version for postpartum healing since it is more diluted.
Padsicle Without Witch Hazel
2. Padsicles with Coconut Oil
STEP 1. Make your Lavender Coconut Oil Spray.
Coconut Oil has anti-inflammatory properties, is anti-bacterial, and has a ton of antioxidants. You want to make sure to get one that is unrefined because it is the least processed and hasn’t gone through any chemical treatments.
Lauric Acid, which is the main fatty acid found in coconut oil provides most of these benefits. The liquid or fractionated coconut oil, which is usually used as a carrier oil for essential oils, does not contain lauric acid. So, for padsicles, it is best to use a solid form of coconut oil.
- Melt 2 TBS of Coconut Oil. Microwave coconut oil in a microwave-safe dish for 5-10 seconds until it starts to melt and stir until it melts completely. Then add to your spray bottle with a funnel. Add 3 TBS of distilled water. Add 20 drops of Lavender Essential oil. Shake to combine.
- Heat the distilled water until warm and stir in coconut oil until it melts. Then add to your spray bottle with a funnel. Add in drops of Lavender. Shake to combine.
FYI: It will separate and solidify when it cools. Run under warm water and shake before using. Coconut oil melts at about 75 degrees Fahrenheit so it doesn’t take much to melt it again.
STEP 2. Unwrap the pad but leave it attached to the wrapper so that you can refold them. If there are wings, carefully fold them out to reveal the center of the pad.
STEP 3. Spray the entire pad with your Lavender Coconut Oil.
Lavender is known for its calming benefits. It relieves anxiety, helps with depression, and has been known to accelerate wound healing. This makes it the perfect essential oil to include on your postpartum healing pads.
STEP 4. Squeeze the Aloe Vera along the length of the pad. Zigzag the gel all the way down the length of the pad and then smooth out to cover the entire pad with either a clean finger or the back of a spoon. You want to create a thin layer of coverage over the whole pad, especially down the middle.
STEP 5. Fold the wings back in. Carefully fold pads back up in their wrapper and place them in a 1-gallon freezer bag to store in your freezer until you need them.
3. Sitz Bath turned Padsicle
STEP 1. Unwrap the pad but leave it attached to the wrapper so that you can refold them. If there are wings, carefully fold them out to reveal the center of the pad.
STEP 2. Use your sitz spray to spray the entire pad all over. You want to apply a generous amount but don’t oversaturate.
Sitz bath spray is a convenient way to get the soothing benefits of a traditional sitz bath. Sitz baths are a blend of herbs that soothe and help heal your perineal area.
STEP 3. Fold the wings back in. Carefully fold pads back up in their wrapper and place them in a 1-gallon freezer bag to store in your freezer until you need them.
When should you make padsicles?
Padsicles can be made at any time. I made mine once I began my third trimester and started to prepare for the arrival of my baby. I had a couple of baggies full and ready to go for when I got home from the hospital. I didn’t pack them in my hospital bag since the hospital provides plenty of supplies for postpartum care while you are there.
When you should make them really depends on if you have the room in your freezer or not. If you have been meal prepping for when the baby arrives, your freezer may already be full. Although, a bag of postpartum pads doesn’t take up much room.
If you can and have the energy try making a batch at least 1 month before your due date. As it gets closer to your due date all you really want to do is relax, so take advantage of any energy you have while it’s still there.
How to Use Padsicles
Use them as you would a normal pad. It may be too cold to use directly out of the freezer so I would give it a few minutes before using it. Pull one out of the freezer and allow it to thaw a couple of minutes.
Then place in your underwear as you would a normal pad during your period. Be sure to change them as often as you would a normal pad and use as long as you are feeling any discomfort or until they run out.
I used a padsicle every other time I changed my pad. So most days I ended up using 3 a day in the beginning. The two batches I made got me about 40 pads and lasted about 2 weeks.
Why do you need padsicles?
Padsicles are great to have in your postpartum care essentials. Taking care of a newborn is time-consuming. You are learning how to care for a tiny human, trying to breastfeed, and trying to get some sleep.
The last thing on your mind is remembering to take care of your body that is trying to heal after childbirth. Padsicles can do just that for you. You are going to be changing your pad often anyway due to postpartum bleeding. Why not have some healing and soothing properties on your pad to make you feel a little bit better.
Witch hazel also treats hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are common after a vaginal delivery. This is a natural remedy that provides relief for the discomfort that occurs from hemorrhoids.
Padsicles vs perineal ice packs
Padsicles have the soothing healing properties added directly to the pad and freezing them makes them ice packs as well. The perineal ice packs can be a little bulkier and sometimes need to be used with another pad because they don’t tend to stay put so leaking can happen.
Postpartum essentials for moms
Postpartum or the 4th trimester can sometimes get overlooked by others since there is a new baby now. But, it is still important to care for your body. Your body just went through an amazing transformation and grew a human. Congratulations Mama! You are a warrior!
Part of recovering during postpartum is to make sure you avoid certain tasks. Check out all the things you should NOT be doing after you give birth.
Here are some great essentials you should include in your postpartum care kit.
Peri Bottle
You will be super sore, so wiping after going to the bathroom will be very uncomfortable. A peri bottle allows you to clean yourself without creating any more soreness. Just rinse as needed and blot dry. I love the one by Frida mom. The angled nozzle and upside down bottle makes it easy to use.
Mesh Underwear
These may not be the cutest underwear but so comfy while you are healing after childbirth. They are super airy and easy to pull up and down. There are no constricting seams putting pressure on anything that may be sore. They are also great for putting extra-large pads in.
This pain relief spray is a lifesaver. It soothes, cools, and moisturizes your most sensitive spots. Even if you are planning on making your padsicles get this to have on hand. It gives you that extra needed pain relief when other treatments just aren’t working.
Sitz Bath
If you do have a little time to yourself a sitz bath is great for postpartum healing. This sitz bath fits in any toilet and has an air pump to pump the water up to soothe aching areas. The drain holes allow you to easily just pour it out in the toilet once you are done.
These sitz bath tablets from Frida mom are awesome. They are made up of natural healing herbs and Epsom salt. They make for a nice relaxing soak.
Postpartum Belly Band
This postpartum support band helps reduce swelling and promotes uterine contractions in order to reduce your uterus to its normal size. It also helps realign your pelvis. This is one of the ways to reduce your postpartum pooch.
All information is my own opinion. Talk to your healthcare provider before using any natural home remedy. Always see a medical professional if you have any concerns about your health.