Baby’s Eyebrows: When do they Grow In?

Baby’s eyebrow hairs grow sometime between three months to one year after birth. The speed of growth depends on the individual baby. Some babies are born with a few hairs already visible, while others won’t have any until they’re a few months old. The first eyebrows usually appear as small patches of hair above the inner corners of the eyes.

Before I had my children, I was surprised that not all babies are born with eyebrows. I had no idea that some babies don’t even start growing their eyebrows until they’re a few months old. I guess I just assumed that all babies had eyebrows from the moment they were born.

It was funny because I looked at my newborn niece one day, and I commented on how she didn’t have any eyebrows. My sister just stared at me in disbelief and then started laughing. She told me that not all babies are born with eyebrows and that my niece would probably begin growing them in a few months.

newborn without eyebrows

I was surprised, but I guess it makes sense. After all, babies have very delicate skin, and it makes sense that they wouldn’t start growing hairs on their faces until they’re a little older.

So, if you’re ever wondering why some babies don’t have eyebrows, now you know!

When do baby eyebrows come in?

Babies form their eyebrows in the womb, but they usually don’t make an appearance until 3 to 12 months after birth. They start to form around week 22 of pregnancy. Some babies have prominent brows, while others have very light peach fuzz.

Baby’s eyebrows play an essential role in their overall appearance and facial expressions. Eyebrows help us show our emotions, like surprise or sadness. But most importantly, eyebrows protect the eyes from sweat and debris that may irritate them.

How long does it take for eyebrows to grow in babies?

It can take anywhere from 3 months to a year for baby eyebrows to grow fully. The speed of growth depends on the individual baby. Some babies are born with a few hairs already visible, while others won’t have any until they’re a few months old.

Most babies have wispy, thin eyebrows that fill in and darken as they get older. If your baby’s eyebrows are particularly sparse, you can help them by using a soft baby brush to stroke the brows in the direction of hair growth. This will stimulate the hair follicles and promote eyebrow growth.

Don’t worry if your baby’s eyebrows don’t look the same. Like adults, babies have different hair colors and textures, so their eyebrows will also vary. Some babies may have thick, dark brows, while others will have thinner, lighter ones.

Preemie’s Eyebrows

If babies are born premature, preemies may not fully develop their eyebrows. This is because the hair follicles need time to mature, and this process is often delayed in preemies. As a result, preemies usually have thinner, less defined brows than full-term babies.

It may also take longer for them to come in once they are born. But don’t worry; they will eventually fill in and darken as the hair follicles mature.

How to help your baby grow eyebrows

When grooming your baby’s eyebrows, use gentle, child-safe products. Never pluck or wax your baby’s eyebrows, as this can damage the delicate skin around the brows.

Baby eyebrows are an essential part of their overall appearance, so it’s natural to want to make sure they look their best. But don’t worry if they’re not perfect. Just like adults, babies come in all shapes and sizes, and their eyebrows will vary accordingly. So as long as they’re healthy and happy, that’s all that matters.

baby raising eyebrows with no eyebrow hair

Eyebrows on babies tend to be thinner and lighter in color than adult eyebrows. They may also not be as symmetrical as we’re used to seeing. But don’t worry, they even out over time. You don’t need to do anything except wait for your baby’s eyebrows to come in naturally. However, see below if you want some ideas for natural products for eyebrow growth.

Natural Products to Help Eyebrow Growth

  • Aloe vera: Aloe vera pulp is suitable for various health issues, including promoting hair development and repairing skin. All you have to do is smear aloe vera pulp on your baby’s brows and rinse it thoroughly afterward after letting it sit for 10-20 min.
  • Coconut oil: Coconut oil is a great natural moisturizer for babies. It is also great for cradle cap. So, it is excellent to use on your babies’ brows. Massage the coconut oil into your baby’s brows after bathtime. A baby massage with coconut oil can be a great part of a bedtime routine.
  • Baby Brush: Stimulate the hair follicles by using a soft baby brush. Stroke the brows in the direction of hair growth. A soft baby brush is also a great tool to help loosen the cradle cap on your baby’s eyebrows.

Should you be worried if your baby has no eyebrows?

If your baby is born without eyebrows, don’t worry. It’s not uncommon for preemies or full-term babies to be born without fully developed eyebrows. In most cases, the eyebrows will eventually fill in and darken as the hair follicles mature.

Note: If you’re concerned about your baby’s appearance, talk to their doctor. They can offer reassurance and guidance on what to expect as your baby grows.

Don’t use commercial products to try and stimulate brow growth. The FDA does not regulate these, so there’s no guarantee that they’re safe for use on babies. In addition, many of these products contain harsh chemicals that can irritate the delicate skin around the eyebrows. If you want to help your baby grow eyebrows, stick to natural methods like those listed above.

Cradle Cap on Baby’s Eyebrows

Cradle cap is a condition in babies that causes scaly, flaky skin to form on the scalp. It’s common in newborns and usually goes away on its own within a few months. However, cradle cap can also occur on the eyebrows. This is more likely to happen if your baby has seborrheic dermatitis, a type of skin disorder that causes scaly, flaky skin.

How can I treat the eyebrow cradle cap?

If you notice cradle cap on your baby’s eyebrows, don’t try to remove it. This can irritate the skin and make the condition worse. Instead, talk to your doctor about treatment options. They may recommend using a gentle shampoo or cream to help soften the scales and loosen them from the skin. Once the scales are loosened, you can gently brush them away with a soft baby brush.

Can I use coconut oil for my baby’s cradle cap on their eyebrows?

Yes, you can use coconut oil for your baby’s eyebrows. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that can help keep the skin around the eyebrows healthy and hydrated. Apply a small amount of coconut oil to the eyebrow area once daily. You can also use a cotton swab to massage it into the skin gently.

Baby Eyebrows Red and Dry

If your baby’s eyebrows look red and dry, it could be from a normal newborn condition. It could be cradle cap, a common and harmless condition that causes scaly, flaky skin to form on the scalp or eyebrows in newborns. They are more likely to look red and dry if your baby has seborrheic dermatitis, a type of skin disorder that causes scaly, flaky skin.

If you are concerned, please reach out to your pediatrician.

FAQs for Baby’s Eyebrows

Why do babies get cradle cap on their eyebrows?

While the exact cause of cradle cap is not definitive, there are some theories on why it occurs. According to some experts, hormones may be transferred from the birthing parent to the newborn before they are born. This might cause excessive sebum (oil) production in the oil glands of the hair follicles. The oil in the hair follicles then causes the patchy scales or flaky skin you see on your baby’s brows.

Why are my baby’s eyebrows so light?

Some infants are born with pale brown or blonde hair that can darken as they grow older. The brows of your newborn might get darker as the infant grows or stays the same in color. Although the baby’s brow pigment is already fixed, it is still evolving. The eyebrows may darken gradually for several years due to the distribution of pigmentation.

Do baby eyebrow hairs fall out?

It is perfectly normal for your newborn’s eyebrow hairs to fall out. This is because the hair follicles are still very immature and the hairs are not yet fully rooted in place. The hairs will eventually grow back in, but they may be a different color or texture than the original brow hairs.

How can I make my baby’s eyebrows grow faster?

There is no proven way to make your baby’s eyebrows grow faster. However, you can help keep the skin around the eyebrows healthy and hydrated by using a natural moisturizer like coconut oil. Apply a small amount of coconut oil to the eyebrow area once daily. You can also use a cotton swab to massage it into the skin gently.

Why do newborns raise their eyebrows?

There are a few different theories as to why newborns raise their eyebrows. One view is that it’s a reflexive response to bright lights. Another idea is that it helps them open their eyes wider, which can be helpful for feeding. And finally, some experts believe that it may help newborns better express their emotions. However, there is no definitive answer as to why newborns raise their eyebrows.

Talk to your pediatrician if you’re concerned about your newborn’s eyebrow movements.

Do all babies have eyebrows?

No, not all babies are born with eyebrows. In most cases, the eyebrows will eventually fill in and darken as the hair follicles mature. However, it’s not uncommon for preemies to be born without eyebrows.

baby eyebrows grow in after birth

Do babies’ eyebrows determine hair color?

No, a baby’s eyebrows do not determine hair color. Hair color is determined by the amount of melanin in the hair follicles. Melanin is a pigment that gives hair its color. Babies are born with all the melanin they will ever have, so their hair color is determined at birth.

However, it’s not uncommon for babies’ hair to change color as they get older. This is because the amount of melanin in their hair follicles can increase or decrease over time. So, even though a baby’s eyebrows may not determine hair color, they can give you a general idea of what color your baby’s hair will be.

Do baby eyebrows change color?

Yes, baby eyebrows can change color. This is because the amount of melanin in their hair follicles evolves. Most of the time, babies are born with very light eyebrows that thicken and become darker over time. It may look like they don’t have any eyebrows when they are born; this is because they are so light in color. As they get older and their hair follicles mature, the hairs will darken and fill in more.


Many new parents are curious about when their baby’s eyebrows will grow. This is understandable since most expression tends to come from eyebrows. Without eyebrows, it may be hard to read your baby’s face. Even though babies form eyebrows in the womb at around 22 weeks, they may not be visible at birth.

Babies are born with very thin eyebrows, and they may not even have any hair on them. Eyebrows typically start to grow in at around four months old, but this can vary from baby to baby. Some babies will begin to get a few hairs on their eyebrows before four months old, while others won’t see much growth until after that point. It’s important to note that all babies are different and will grow at their own pace.

While it’s generally around four months old when eyebrows start to grow in, don’t be alarmed if your baby’s brows don’t begin appearing until later. Every baby is different, and there is no need to worry if they’re not following the “normal” timeline. Just enjoy watching your little one grow and change every day!

Baby\'s Eyebrows: When do they Grow In?