How Soon After Conception Does Morning Sickness Start?

Morning sickness is one of the more common symptoms of pregnancy. It is often the first symptom in early pregnancy that women notice before they find out they are pregnant. So when does morning sickness start, and why does it happen?

More than 60% of pregnant women experience morning sickness. For some women, it only affects them in the morning. However, for a lot of women, morning sickness occurs more than just in the morning. Therefore, I think that more often than not, it should be called All Day Sickness.

morning sickness starts

I had morning sickness in early pregnancy in both of my pregnancies. Nausea would be terrible most of the morning, then again in the evening well into the night. There would be a brief window in the afternoon when I would feel okay.

Related Post: Remedies and Tips to help you survive morning sickness.

What is Morning Sickness?

The pregnancy symptom called morning sickness refers to nausea and vomiting as one of the early signs of pregnancy. Despite the name, it is not something that happens only in the morning. It can affect you at any time. It tends to start before you see that positive pregnancy test.

It will usually ease up at the start of your second trimester. 10% of pregnant women end up having morning sickness throughout their whole pregnancy.

The main cause of morning sickness is relatively unknown. But, it is one of the pregnancy symptoms that has been linked to the change in hormones during early pregnancy.

Cause of Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Hormone changes are one of the causes of morning sickness during pregnancy and many other pregnancy symptoms. There is a rapid increase in estrogen during the first trimester of pregnancy. Estrogen makes it possible for the formation of the placenta. In addition, estrogen improves vascularization and allows nutrients to be transferred to support the growing baby.

There is also an increase in progesterone. One of the things that progesterone is responsible for is the increase in the size of the uterus. In addition, progesterone relaxes smooth muscle and loosens ligaments and joints throughout the body. This allows the uterus to accommodate a growing baby.

The rapid increase in pregnancy hormones can be the cause of a lot of nausea during the first trimester. However, doctors consider morning sickness a good sign in pregnancy. It means that the body is creating the necessary hormones required for a healthy pregnancy.

When does morning sickness begin?

Morning sickness starts around 5-6 weeks after conception. It is usually right around the time of a missed period. Morning sickness is one of the first early signs of pregnancy that is not confused with premenstrual symptoms, so it is sometimes the first indicator that they are pregnant. It often prompts women to take a home pregnancy test.

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Some of the other early signs of pregnancy tend to fade quickly but, morning sickness will usually last until weeks 12-14 of pregnancy. However, once the second trimester begins, many women feel a lot better. Their energy picks up, and their appetite is back as well. Once you feel like eating again, make sure you are including these Superfoods in your pregnancy diet.

If nausea and vomiting become severe, it may be a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. It is a severe morning sickness case that can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances that can harm your baby. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, be sure to see a doctor right away.


Congrats on your pregnancy! Check out the First Things you should do after you find out you are pregnant. If you are experiencing morning sickness, know you are not alone. Many pregnant women experience this, and it will pass. However, if it starts to feel severe, see your doctor immediately.

How Soon After Conception Does Morning Sickness Start?How Soon After Conception Does Morning Sickness Start?