The Ultimate Guide On How To Use A Boppy Pillow For New Moms

Boppy pillows are growing in popularity as the years go by, and more new mothers begin to use them and realize how useful they are. However, figuring out how to use the C-shaped pillow can be confusing, so how do you use a Boppy pillow correctly? 

Boppy pillows are an excellent tool for a new mom. You can use Boppy pillows from pregnancy to birth and far longer. Boppy pillows can help with breastfeeding and bottle feeding your baby, as well as tummy time and sitting. Boppy pillows are indeed an invaluable tool every mother should have. 

This article will examine how you can use your Boppy pillow in simple ways to help ensure you and your sweet new baby are as safe, happy, and healthy as possible. So, keep reading to find out more about this brilliant product!

Why You Should Have A Boppy Pillow As A New Mom 

Boppy pillows are a great addition to any new mom’s arsenal, as they can help with many different aspects of parenting, making your life a lot easier. Boppy pillows can be used for nursing, tummy time, back support, and much more. 

They can lend a helping hand in your baby’s development and help ensure it is positioned correctly for certain activities. 

A Boppy pillow should be one of the first things a new mom buys, as you can even begin using it when you are pregnant, which is why it’s recommended that you buy a Boppy pillow as soon as possible. 

boppy pillow

Original Boppy Nursing Pillow and Positioner

  • Removable Slipcover
  • Easy to Clean- machine washable
  • Provides a more ergonomic position for feeding

Let’s go through all the ways a Boppy pillow can help you out as a new mom, and we will walk you through how to use your Boppy pillow for each activity. 

How To Use A Boppy Pillow

Boppy pillows are excellent to have on hand, and many new mothers swear by them as they can help with so much, which can take the stress out of those first few weeks of having your first newborn. 

Some of the uses for a Boppy pillow you might not have even thought of yet, but they certainly help, especially in the first few weeks of being a new mom. 

Boppy pillows can help you and your baby, and you will rely on yours more and more as the days go on. Let’s examine what you can use your Boppy pillow for and how to use it in each instance. 

Using A Boppy Pillow For Sleep While Pregnant 

When pregnant with your first child, you should buy a Boppy pillow as soon as possible, as these pillows can help you through your pregnancy and not only when your child has been born.

The C-shape of the Boppy pillow is perfect for placing under your belly to offer extra support and help you get comfortable. You can also place the Boppy pillow between your legs to help support your hips. 

Using a Boppy pillow while you sleep during pregnancy can help you get more comfortable, which can help improve your sleep. This will let you wake up more refreshed and ready for your day.  

Use A Boppy Pillow For Breastfeeding

Most women can have a difficult time when it comes to nursing their babies. This activity can put a lot of strain on your body and cause back, shoulder, and neck pain. These can make your late-night feeds seem like they go on for hours. 

Boppy pillows can offer the support you need while breastfeeding your baby, which can help prevent all these aches and pains. This is crucial as you don’t want to be in pain while looking after your newborn. 

Using a Boppy pillow to help you breastfeed your child will ensure that you and your baby are in the correct position during feeding. This can lower latching complications and help reduce any muscle pain you feel. 

Use A Boppy Pillow For Bottle Feeding 

If you are bottle feeding your new baby, you can still benefit from a Boppy pillow, as they can help with bottle feeding too. Using the Boppy pillow to bottle feed your child is straightforward and will help reduce any muscle pain you feel afterward. 

bottle feeding with boppy pillow

The Boppy pillow can help you support your baby while holding the bottle to feed them. Alternatively, it can help support your arm, depending on the position you choose to feed your child in. This is a safe way to feed your baby without feeling uncomfortable. 

Use A Boppy Pillow As A Baby Sitting Aid 

Boppy pillows are excellent tools to help your baby stay in a sitting position before your baby develops the core strength needed to keep themselves upright. Using your Boppy pillow as a sitting aid for your child can keep them engaged and allow them to see more of the world. 

You can continue to use the Boppy pillow once your baby has the strength to stay upright while sitting. You can place it around your baby in case it gets tired or unbalanced and starts to fall over. Using a Boppy pillow can help keep your baby safe while encouraging their sitting stamina. 

Use A Boppy Pillow For Tummy Time 

Another way you can use a Boppy pillow is to help you with tummy time for your baby. This is a safe alternative to the traditional tummy time method that many people follow. This is a fun tummy time method that babies and moms enjoy. 

When your baby has no strength to hold themselves up, you can prop them up on a Boppy pillow on their tummies. This will allow your baby to see the world while developing their back, arm, and neck muscles. 

boppy pillow for tummy time

Use A Boppy Pillow For Better Sleep Postpartum

If you don’t want to use your Boppy pillow for any of the above, you can still use the pillow yourself once you have given birth. You can use your Boppy pillow to help support your postpartum belly or your hips while you sleep. 

Alternatively, you can use the pillow to help you sit more comfortably in bed while reading a book next to your sleeping baby, or you can use it as a lap “table” for when you drink your coffee in the mornings or have your breakfast. 


Boppy pillows are an excellent tool that all new mothers should own, as they can help make your transition to parenthood easier. Boppy pillows can be used from pregnancy until your baby starts walking, and even longer. 

You can use your Boppy pillow to help you and your baby stay comfortable, safe, and happy. Good luck with your precious little one, and remember to enjoy every moment!

The Ultimate Guide On How To Use A Boppy Pillow For New Moms